69-04 “Regarding your question about our relationship with Srimati Radharani, She is the internal energy and we are the marginal energy. Marginal means sometimes internal, sometimes external. When we are under the internal energy, that is our normal life, and when we are under the external energy that is our abnormal life. Therefore, we are called marginal energy. We can be either this way or that way. But being qualitatively one with the Purusa our tendency is to remain in the internal energy. Being in the external energy is our artificial attempt.”
(SPL to Lilavati, 25th April, 1969)
69-06 “Regarding the first question in your letter about how do we know of the spiritual abodes since once going there no one returns, you should know that the great liberated souls and incarnations who appear from time to time in this material world are not actually coming back, because they are never subject to material contamination or the laws of material nature. For the purpose of delivering the fallen living entities they come here temporarily and then go back when their business is finished, and this is all under the direct order of the Lord. So the appearance of the Lord or the great liberated souls in the material world is different from the appearance of the contaminated living entity who is forced to take birth in the material world due to his desire to lord
it over the world.”
(SPL to Vrndavanesvari, 6th June, 1969)
69-07 “Regarding your question, ‘What is the difference between spirit souls comprising of the brahmajyoti and the spirit souls here in maya?’ In the brahmajyoti the spirit souls on account of their impersonal views are devoid of a body, exactly like here in maya there are ghosts who are devoid of any gross bodies. The ghost, being devoid of a body, he suffers terribly because he is unable to satisfy his senses. The spirit souls in the brahmjyoti, although they have no desire for sense gratification, still feel the inconvenience like a ghost, and they fall down again in the maya’s atmosphere and develop a material body. In the Bhagavata therefore it is said that persons who are impersonalists and do not develop the dormant devotional attitude, their intelligence is not pure, because for want of a spiritual body, they come down again to the material world. In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly said by the Lord that the only way of not coming back to the material world is to be promoted to the spiritual planets. For the impersonalists there is no such assurance of not falling down in the whole Vedic literature. The conclusion is that without developing the spiritual body and without being situated on one of the spiritual planets, the so-called liberation is also illusion, or it is not complete. A spirit soul who falls down from the brahmajyoti to the kingdom of maya may have a chance of associating with a pure devotee, and then he may be elevated to the spiritual planets of Vaikuntha or to Goloka Vrndavana. From the brahmajyoti there is no direct promotion to the spiritual planets, and it is clearly stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that such souls fall down: patantyadha.”
(SPL to Rupanuga, 24th July, 1969)