In examining the dietary customs of diverse human societies throughout history, one can discern that the majority were vegetarian. Consequently, it is unsurprising that vegetarianism is experiencing worldwide growth. Based on health, economic, ecological, philosophical, and spiritual reasons, as well as love for animals and empathy for the less fortunate members of society, choosing vegetarianism becomes an informed and positive decision.

Human organisms are designed for herbivorous, plant-based diets. In fact, humans possess all the anatomical features of herbivores, including the absence of claws, sweating through skin pores, flat back teeth equipped with molars instead of front incisors, intestines measuring twelve times the length of the torso (while carnivores have intestines three times shorter), and stomach acid twenty times weaker compared to carnivores. Thus, humanity is ill-equipped for a meat-based diet; going against this design of nature amounts to consuming one's own health. Since vegetarianism aligns better with human needs, defying this natural law by consuming animal flesh results in detriments to wellbeing and health.

For decades, medical research has documented rising instances of diseases linked to increased consumption of meat. Among many experts investigating these connections, Dr. Alexander Hershaft (from the US) states, "Meat eating in industrialized countries is a relatively recent phenomenon, having started about fifty years ago. It is not coincidental that, over the same period, rates of illnesses such as cancer and heart disease have skyrocketed." Furthermore, the National Academy of Sciences (US) confirmed the connection between meat and cancer. Articles published in the American Medical Association Journal report that "90% of heart diseases - causing over 50% of U.S. deaths - could be avoided through a vegetarian diet." Professor Huchard (of Paris) affirmed that "many hundreds of conditions and sufferings resulting from food poisoning caused by meats would disappear if everyone became vegetarian."

Consumption of meat poses further risks to human health due to artificial production methods employed in modern factory farms where animals are force-fed and administered potent antibiotics. Their decaying flesh requires chemical treatments to alter color from gray to red and subsequently consumed toxic meat threatens overall health, particularly impacting the liver, arteries, and digestive tract, making it a severe hazard. Dr. William Roberts, renowned American cardiologist, noted, "When we kill animals for food, they kill us too, given that their flesh contains cholesterol and saturated fat not intended for herbivorous humans."

By contrast, following nature's blueprint provides abundant wholesome foods beneficial to the human body, offering optimal health and longevity across approximately 600 categories of edibles produced globally.

Compassion towards every form of life serves as a fundamental value underpinning all great religious traditions, forming the core tenet of divine intent. All sacred writings, ranging from the Bhagavad Gita and Bible to Jesus' teachings and the Quran, declare similar Divine Laws and Will. Respecting - indeed loving - all forms of life establishes the foundation for personal fulfillment and success. Throughout human history, numerous celebrated vegetarians include Indian holy men, ancient Egyptian priests, Greek philosophers Pythagoras, Homer, Socrates, Plato, Diogenes, and others; early Church leaders Saint Clement and John Chrysostom; scientists Francis Bacon, Leonardo da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and René Descartes; writers Jean Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington; composers Johannes Brahms, Richard Wagner, Henry David Thoreau, H.G. Wells, Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, and Isaac Bashevis Singer; and contemporary celebrities from artistic and athletic backgrounds.

Science demonstrates that vegetarianism benefits the body, while spiritual masters know it favors the soul. Adhering to their guidance ensures improved wellbeing and enhanced happiness both personally and communally, aligned with divine intent.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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